广州学创软件科技有限公司是由一群有志、有识、有恒的激情创业者组成的创业型公司。 公司核心成员均具有世界500强公司的工作背景或实习经验。公司致力于为企业提供软件开发以及网络服务等一系列解决方案,具备web开发、app开发、H5应用开发、微信公众平台开发等能力,能够满足不同规糢企业在不同发展阶段的不同软件技术需求。
学创科技自创立以来,不断创新、突破,无论是产品还是服务,都秉承走专业化道路。 到目前为止,公司已完成多个大型网站和H5应用的开发。作为一家以“设计思维”为指导理念的创新公司,学创科技一直以推广设计思维和创新理念在中国的普及应用为己任,以诚信服务为根本,已经与诸多创新企业、组织建立良好的合作关系。
Guangzhou Xuechuang Software Technology Co., Ltd. is an entrepreneurial company by a group of aspiring, knowledgeable, persistent passion of entrepreneurs. The core members of the company have the development working experience of Global 500 companies in the world. Our team is committed to for the enterprise to provide software development and network services such as a series of solutions with web development, app, H5 application development, can satisfy the different regulation patterns of enterprises in different development stages of different software technology needs.Guided by design thinking,adhere to the integrity, quality and service-oriented principles,our company has been to establish a good cooperative relationship with many innovative enterprises and organizations.